Want to learn about Cyber Security and Computer Science? This is your opportunity to learn the theory and background and gain invaluable hands on experience in topics such as Cryptology, Computer Forensics, Linux Command Line and Administration, ASP.Net and more. Whether you’re a rank beginner who barely understands how you navigated to this site or a seasoned professional looking to add to your knowledge or sharpen your skills this website has resources to help. These classes were developed by Tony Sako while working at his cover job as a college Professor. While we’re not at liberty to discuss his actual job … we can tell you he has a really cool code name.

Learn how to use Cascading Style Sheets which are used to control the layout and appearance of web pages and XML files. You will learn how to use CSS to build pages that are mobile friendly and adapt to fit any screen size.
XML (CS 218)
Photoshop (CS 203/244)